P. 6
Academic General Training/ Doctorate
Rank/ Experience Sem./ Publication
Position Requirement Workshop Degree
with 2 years prof. during the
*Pass the practice in the evaluation period
Accreditation of field of
Professorship specialization
Other Criteria for Professors Ito VI:
a. Qualitative contribution in at least three (3) out of four (4) of the functional areas,
b. Professional accreditation by the Regional PASUC
University *Vertical Master's 15 years of 240 hours Doctorate 1 new relevant
Professor degree and vertical tertiary teaching degree in the publication in a
doctorate degree with experience or 13 area of refereed research/
appropriate eligibility years of tertiary specialization acad. Journal and
(RA 1080) and at least teaching is required at least 1 reference
18 units of Professional experience with book/ workbook/
Education subjects 2 years prof. manual with ISBN
practice in the and other IMs
*Pass the field of during the
Accreditation of specialization evaluation period
*Note: In highly meritorious and extremely exceptional cases as in areas of specialization or fields of discipline
where there is a dearth of doctoral programs or the same are not readily available, the
doctoral degree requirement may be replaced by an allied doctoral degree. Likewise, the doctoral degree should
be recognized by the University President through the recommendation of the UFTDB.
B. NBC 461 guidelines on qualifications set per faculty rank.
1.0 Instructor I – Entry Level, total of CCE points is 65
2.0 Appointment to the position of Instructor II and Assistant Professor IV is
subjected to the following requirements:
● CCE points of at least of 66 points for the higher sub-rank of the Instructor
position and at least 88 points for the Assistant Professor position
● Earned Master’s Degree for Assistant Professor II to IV
● Qualitative Contributions in instructions, otherwise known as Teaching
Effectiveness. Annex 1 includes the standards and guidelines for the
appropriate evaluation of the same.
3.0 Appointment to the position of Associate Professor. Appointment to the
position of Associate Professor is subject to the following requirements:
● CCE points of at least 124
● Earned Master’s degree
● Qualitative contributions in instruction, also known as Teaching