P. 40
Dr. Samantha Harte
ISBN 979-88-86451-96-2
9 7 9 8 8 8 6 4 5 1 9 6 2
Publication: 29 AUGUST 2024
ISBN: 9798886451962
Price: £24.50
Binding: Hardback
Format: 229 x 152 mm
Extent: 218 pp
Thema: VS Self Help
Comparative title: 9781626346680Is This Seat Taken?
No, I Saved it for You
Turning trauma into triumph
Samantha Harte has had her share of heartbreak. Now
fourteen years sober, she has suffered through her
mother’s mental illness; betrayal by partners; the loss of her
sister, friends, and father; multiple miscarriages; and her
addiction to drugs and alcohol. Desperate for a path
through the pain, she was forced to confront the hardwiring
toward perfectionism that kept her sick and embrace the
rewiring required to truly recover and heal.
Samantha Blake Harte is a yoga-certified doctor of physical therapy, Through her medical practice, Samantha came to realize
business owner, and podcast host. With more than two decades in the that, whether we’re addicted or not, we all suffer from some
fitness industry and fourteen years of sobriety, Dr. Harte is a living degree of soul sickness. We navigate love and loss
embodiment of her personal and professional experiences. She calls throughout our lives with little or no guidance, often
vulnerability her superpower and sees her soul work as the necessary fumbling our way through with self-sabotaging behaviors.
Despite her initial resistance to the well-known Twelve
bridge between the life she had and the life she has created. As a Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, Samantha eventually
licensed clinician, Dr. Harte is known for her work in functional reimagined them so that they worked in her own life. In the
biomechanics and movement pattern retraining with a passion for process, she discovered that the spiritual concepts in each
injury prevention. After years in recovery, Dr. Harte sees an inextricable step have universal application and can help people learn
connection between the rewiring process of the nervous system in the new ways of navigating adversity—not just addiction. In
physical and emotional realms. this book, she shows you how you, too, can change your
life with the power of these steps.
Sales: Star Book Sales LLP
T: 01404 515050
E: This is a book for anyone who has tried everything and failed, on a soul level, to navigate life’s hardest things.
Samantha’s harrowing yet hopeful journey is a testament
Orders: Combined Book Services Ltd. to each person’s power to turn trauma and pain into triumph
Email: and joy.
Phone: 01892 837171
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without notice. 01/03/2024