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witnessed  in  accordance  with  Public                   another funeral director access to
          Health Laws, will fulfill the wishes                      their facilities for the convenience of
          and will coordinate with the funeral                      serving the family.
          director the arrangements set forth
          in the document. The person signing                       What if a death occurs in another
          the contract becomes responsible for                      state/town?
          the payment of the funeral services                       Upon notification of the death, call
          performed.                                                your local funeral home of choice.
                                                                    Your funeral director will be able to
          What should I be prepared to provide                      make the necessary arrangements
          when  going  to  the  funeral  home  to                   to  transfer  the  deceased  from  the
          make arrangements?                                        place of death to the local funeral
          When making at-need or pre-need                           home’s care. This relieves the family
          arrangements, the family will need to                     of the stress and financial burden of
          provide information required for the                      dealing with multiple funeral homes.
          death certificate. This information,                      Your funeral director can and will
          referred to as vital statistics consists                  coordinate everything for you.
          of the following:
          •  Deceased legal name,                                   Why are public viewings important?
          •  Legal address,                                         Viewing the  deceased  allows family
 service agencies, the Chamber of   They  arrange  and  provide  an  orderly   •  Social security number   and friends to begin the process of
 Commerce or your local funeral home.   series of events, culminating with the   •  Both parents names (including   acceptance. Seeing the deceased
 You can learn and grow in common,   final disposition of burial, entombment   mother’s maiden name)   does not increase the pain, on the
 yet different experiences. You do not   or cremation. The funeral director’s   •  Date of birth   contrary,  in  most  cases  it  actually
 have to travel this journey alone. Life   responsibility of properly filing the   •  Place of birth   minimizes the disbelief, fantasies
 can have meaning again.   death  certificate  in  order  to  receive   •  Level of education   and  often  distorted  images  that  are
 permission for final disposition is the   •  If served in the military: years of   preset when death occurs. Grief
 first step which allows the family to   service and a copy of the discharge   counselors  recognize  the  importance
 FAQ’s  begin  the  process  of  settling  estate   papers DD214    of the funeral and the viewing of

 matters. The director will advise the   •  Employment history, position held,   the  deceased in facilitating the
 What purpose does a funeral serve?   family as to the number of certified   nature of industry and place of   acceptance of a death. In the opinion
 It provides the family and friends with   death certificates needed to begin   employment,   of many grief professionals, families
 a caring and supportive environment   the process, as well as advising them   •  If in ground burial or entombment,   that are deprived of the opportunity
 in which to share thoughts  and   on potential issues to be addressed   the cemetery and the deed if   to memorialize and visualize the
 feelings about the death. The funeral   shortly after the final disposition. A   available,   deceased, have more of a difficult time
 becomes the first important step in   growing number of funeral directors   •  If  open  casket  viewing  is  with grief and the grieving process.
 the healing process.  are trained as grief counselors and   anticipated, clothing and a recent
 continue even after the funeral to help   picture                  What is embalming?
 What do funeral directors do?   along in the bereavement process.   It is the process of chemically treating
 They are  the  pillars  that  support  the   What  should  I  do  when  a  death   the  deceased  human body, using
 survivors during one of their most   Who can make funeral arrangements?   occurs?   the circulatory system. This is done
 difficult journeys through life. They   In most cases it is the closest next   Whether sudden or anticipated, call   in order to achieve disinfection,
 care for the family and safeguard   of kin making the arrangements.   your funeral home of choice. A funeral   sanitation,  preservation  and
 and care for the deceased person.   On other occasions, the executor or   director is available 24 hours a day, 7   restoration.  It  temporarily  interrupts
 They fulfill the wishes of the family by   executrix of a will is responsible. An   days a week, including holidays. They   organic decomposition and restores a
 guiding  them  through  and  fulfilling   agent having been appointed by the   will guide according to your individual   physical appearance of natural form
 the funeral arrangements. The funeral   deceased will supersede all others   situation.    and color. Restoration in embalming,
 director is trained in embalming and   and make the funeral arrangements.   focuses on the physical presentation
 restorative procedures required by   The agent having been instructed by   Can your funeral home conduct a   of the deceased, and aims to recreate
 a funeral home, for traditional open   the deceased, in the form of a legal   funeral service in another location?   a naturalness of form and colors.
 casket viewing by family and friends.   document signed by the deceased and   Yes. Many funeral homes will allow   Restoration is often referred to as

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