Page 21 - Perry FH
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Reach out to others                                      the first important step in the healing
           Learn to ask for what you need. Your                     process.
           family and friends want to help, so let
           them know how. Turn to people you can                    What do funeral directors do?
           trust for support and for information. Find              They are the pillars that support the
           people who will listen when you want to                  survivors during one of their most difficult
           talk. Leave the scrapbook or photo album                 journeys through life. They care for the
           out on the coffee table so others can                    family and safeguard and care for the
           remember and share memories with you.                    deceased person. They fulfill the wishes
                                                                    of the family by guiding them through and
           You may want to talk to others who are                   fulfilling the funeral arrangements. The
           grieving, consider joining a support                     funeral director is trained in embalming
           group. Most groups are listed by subject in              and restorative procedures required
           the phone directory or through churches,                 by a funeral home, for traditional open
           newspapers, hospitals, local health and                  casket viewing by family and friends.
           social  service  agencies, the  Chamber  of              They arrange and provide an orderly
           Commerce  or  your  local  funeral  home.                series of events, culminating with the
           You can learn and grow in common, yet                    final disposition of burial, entombment
           different experiences. You do not have                   or cremation. The funeral director’s
           to travel this journey alone. Life can have              responsibility of properly filing the death
           meaning again.                                           certificate in order to receive permission
                                                                    for final disposition is the first step which

           FAQs                                                     allows the family to begin the process
                                                                    of  settling  estate  matters. The  director
                                                                    will  advise  the  family  as  to  the  number
           What purpose does a funeral serve?                       of certified death certificates needed to
           It provides the family and friends with                  begin the process, as well as advising
           a caring and supportive environment                      them on potential issues to be addressed
           in which to share thoughts and feelings                  shortly after the final disposition. A
           about the death. The funeral becomes                     growing number of funeral directors are

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