Page 158 - booklet draft
P. 158

HU/CKL. In these seminars adverse effects of alcoholism was explained

                    by the doctors and tips related to healthy life style were given to the
                    staff of ELS/LGD.

                                            HEALTH AWARENESS PROGRAMME

            4.0    ASSISTANCE REQUIRED

                   Additional funds to the tune of Rs. 6.92 Cr required in PU-32 of RG 2022-
                    23 for overhauling of Auxiliary Motors, compressors and MSU.

                   Against global tendering for supply of centralized import of spare items
                    for electric locomotives like,

                   i.)    Spheribloc for axle guide link/TM torque arm for WAP7 loco,

                   ii.)   Set of imported dampers for WAP7 locomotives,

                   iii.)  Set  of  cylindrical  roller  bearings  for  3PH  TM  type  6FRA6068

                          consisting of two items, NU-2236 C-4 & NJ-320 EC-4,

                   iv.)   Set of steel lock nuts for WAP7/WAG9 locos,

                   v.)    Headlight        lamp        200W/110VDC            as      per      CLW       Spec.
                          No.CLW/ES/3/0655 is not being supplied by CLW for years 2021-22

                          and 2022-23 which is causing anxiety in maintenance of electric

                          CLW/CRJ  may  be  impressed  to  supply  balance  06Nos.  of

                          Propulsion System sanctioned through bulk RSP in PB No.1179/19-
                          20  to  meet  the  non-availability  of  spare  cards  of  GTO

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