Page 11 - MODUL Procedure Text
P. 11
................. Pour enough hot water
................. Take it and open with flavoring scissors
................. Open the lid of pop noodles
Procedure text is a piece of text that give us instructions for doing something.
The structure is:
1. Goal
2. Materials
3. Steps
How to Wash Your Hands Properly GOAL
Washing your hand regularly can protect
you from dangerous bacteria, germs, dirt,
and even virus that might harm your health.
Follow these simple steps to clean your
hands properly.
Tools / Things you need:
1. Clean water MATERIALS
2. Soap
3. Tissue / Clean towel
Procedures :
1. Go to the bathroom or to the closest
sink where you can find clean and STEPS
running water.
2. Turn on the tap and wet your hands with
the running water (you can use warm or
cold water).
3. Turn off the tap and then apply soap on
both of your palms. After that, lather
your palms by rubbing them together
with the soap.
4. Spread the lather to the space between
your fingers, under your nails and also
to the backs of your hands.
5. Keep on scrubbing for at least 20
6. Turn on the tap once more and rinse
your hands with the clean water (make
sure no more lather remains on your
7. Dry your hands using some tissue or
clean towel.
8. Your hand is now clean and free of
E n g l i s h X - C h a p t e r 8 - 11 - SMKN 1 JUWIRING