Page 12 - MODUL Procedure Text
P. 12

               Please read this text and write your answer !

                                              How to operate computer
                    First, switch on the stabilizer. Stabilizer is an electrical tool to stabilize the
                    electricity to the computer hardware
                    Second,  press  the  power  button  to  turn  on  the  CPU.  The  power  button
                    usually lays under the CD Rom. The shape is round or square.
                    Third, turn on the monitor. Sometimes the monitor is on when the CPU is
                    turned on. It depends on the previous user whether turned the monitor on or
                    Finally, start to operate an application. For example, if you want to type, you

                                                   ANSWER SHEET
                       The goal         ...............................................................................................
                    The materials

                      The steps

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