Page 3 - Libya Political & Security Report {1969-2020}
P. 3
A Western friend asked me for my personal opinion on this matter.Here, I will not
respond in a personal capacity or as an Egyptian Arab Muslim, but rather my answers
his question as a specialist
I will begin with the parties to the Agreement :
The United Arab Emirates has the full right to decide with whom to sign any agreements
according to its interests and orientations. The leadership of the UAE long timed ago has
its own orientation towards playing an effective role at the regional and international level,
for example the Yemeni dilemma. The Libyan dilemma and standing up against Iran, in
addition to the differences with Qatar and Turkey all the before mentioned are coming
under homeland security the UAE are worried of Iran’s broxy forces hauthies threaten its
borders .
In light of the Turkish-Iranian Qatari alliance present in the Gulf region, it is natural for
the UAE to take security & political countermeasures that protect its interests, especially as
this alliance is openly directed against it.
The most important point, which is announced in the terms of the agreement, is at the
request of President Trump and with the support of the UAE, Israel will stop the plan to
annex Palestinian lands in accordance with Trump's peace plan.
Even if this point is temporary or postponed for a period, I think it will be long. For a simple
reason that Netanyahu’s government will not risk abandoning this agreement anytime