Page 4 - LimehouseBrochure2019.indd
P. 4

IP Ratings Explained

                     Bathroom use for EU/UK               Exterior Use Rain Water up to
           AVAILBLE  installation in Zone 2 of a   IP23   60 degrees from the vertical
                     Bathroom. Splash proof. Uses         (Suitable outside of a splash
                     G9 Bulbs.                            zone). 1.2m from the ground.

                     Adapted for EU/UK exterior           Hanging Lights Suitable for
            IP44     use, can be used for installation    use in a covered area such a as
                     in Splash Zones. Uses G9 Bulbs.      porch.

         Please consult a qualified electrician for advice on suitable IP rating required.

                     Recommended Bulb Shapes

             GLS          CANDLE        GOLFBALL        PYGMY           GU10
          GLS Shape     Candle Shape   Golf Ball Shape   Pygmy Shape   GU10 Shape
         US Type (A19)  US Type (B9)   US Type (A15)  US Type (T8)  US Type (MR16)

                                  Other Icons

         Standard chain length supplied   Available in UL/CSA   Not Available in UL/CSA
          with product. Please specify if   specifications for US and   specifications for US and
            extra chain is required.  Canadian markets.        Canadian markets.

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