Page 9 - LimehouseBrochure2019.indd
P. 9

Copper (Unlacquered)
         Order Code Prefix (C)
         The item is de-greased and soak cleaned,
         followed by an electric clean bath to remove
         any further impurities that may cause de-
         lamination. The item is then Copper plated          C
         with a minimum of 10 microns of Copper
         (more than twice the minimum requirement
         for BSEN-12540). The product is then polished
         ready for use.

         Order Code Suffix (BZ)

         The item is degreased and soaked in a chemical
         that bronzes the metal. It is then cleaned and
         lacquered to achieve a natural bronze finish.
         Requires the occasional clean with a damp cloth    BZ
         and is not suitable for exterior use.

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