Page 8 - LimehouseBrochure2019.indd
P. 8
Plated Finishes
Most designs are available in polished nickel (N) and are shown on each
product page where this is applicable. Nickel patinates in the same way
as silver and can be polished easily to keep a bright appearance (much
like cleaning the family silver). However it does mellow to a lovely warm
classical appearance. Polished copper (C), we can copper plate almost all
products, however we only offer it as a standard finish on our Art Deco
Gatsby wall lights and Blenhiem picture lights, again we recommend
unlacquered in order for the colour to become more natural over time.
Bronze finish (BZ) is available as an option on Gatsby lights only.
Nickel (Unlacquered)
Order Code Prefix (N)
The item is de-greased and soak cleaned,
followed by an electric clean bath to remove any
further impurities that may cause de-lamination.
The item is then Nickel plated with a minimum N
of 10 microns of Nickel (more than twice the
minimum requirement for BSEN-12540). The
product is then polished ready for use.
Note: Nickel and Copper plated items are supplied un-lacquered which will dull over time. The
items can be easily re-polished to an original state using metal polish. However if you require fittings
lacquered (only recomended for interior use) please specify lacquered finish when ordering.
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