Page 5 - LimehouseBrochure2019.indd
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Polished Finishes
Polished natural finishes will patina in time and require polishing with
brass polish if a shiney new appearance is desired. We feel however, leaving
the item to mellow to its natural colour improves the look of our products.
We can lacquer our products to keep their new appearance and will only
require routine cleaning.
Polished Lacquered Finish Un-Lacquered Natural Finish
Order Code Suffix (PB) Order Code Suffix (PBUL)
The item is polished and lacquered to obtain The item is polished only and will gradually
a bright and glossy appearance. Requires the tarnish and mellow in colour. Alternatively
occasional clean with a damp cloth and is cleaning with brass polish will retain a
suitable for interior lights or external products. bright finish. Recommended for interior
Please note: We do not recommend a lacquered and exterior use.
finish on external lights near coastal areas as salt
degrades the lacquered finish very quickly.
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