Page 30 - BPA Area VI-Parameter A
P. 30

 Community-based Approach for People Empowerment –
                   Broadly, community-based is conceived as the process by

                   which people themselves are provided by an opportunity and,
                   or responsibility to manage their resources, define their needs,

                   goals and aspiration and make decisions affecting their

                   wellbeing. Extension services and technical assistance from the
                   university also requires active participation of the people in the

                   community to ensure sustainability.

                Participatory and Bottoms-Up Approach – In planning and

                   decision making for the community, the people and other
                   stakeholders must participate and their voices be heard

                   collectively. Community officials and institutions must also be
                   recognized and consulted in the process. Consultations and

                   dialogues are always the effective medium by which
                   participatory approach is effective to achieve an end goal of

                   people empowerment.

                                                                        Source: Isabela State University
                                                                        Extension Service Operations Manual
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