Page 31 - BPA Area VI-Parameter A
P. 31
1. Adopt-A-Barangay Modality Program: A Community Outreach and
Volunteerism Approach
In its desire to develop a more relevant and effective modality and
strategy/approach, ISU has conceptualized the “Adopt-a-Barangay Program/
Approach” integrating the BIDANI model in 1999. The program is an
integrated, inter-college extension strategy/approach towards transforming a
selected poor pilot barangay into a self-reliant, empowered and progressive
community. It pools experts from various colleges of the Campus/University
who are capable of analysing the needs of the community and eventually
helping them find solutions and assisting them realize their goals. The program
was designed to cater to the recommendations of AACCUP accreditation
requiring college-based extension activities. Under this program, all college-
based extension activities are implemented in one pilot barangay under
participative and collaborative arrangement involving interdisciplinary teams.
The pilot barangay serves as the convergence of services and technical
assistance from the colleges based on their strengths, expertise and mandate
which were planned and implemented collaboratively.
Source: Isabela State University
Extension Service Operations Manual