Page 11 - Unit 1 Volume test+ Function test 2
P. 11


                           1.41 Micaela is an ESL student. Listen to her
                      Skype interview with Mark, a teacher at a language

                      school in the United States. Complete her form.

                          English House Language School

                          Student information

                          First name            Micaela                                 Email address

                          Last Name                                                      m. vazq uez@m a i I. co m

                          Age                                                           Phone (cell)

                          Country                                                       7

                          City                  4                                       Phone (landline)

                          Address               Florida 5                               &54-

                          Zip Code              6

                b ®1 .42 Listen. Complete Mark's questions to Micaela.                                                           c 01.44 Listen. Change the sentences.

                      1  What's your first name?                                                                                        1  )) /'m Matt, (jVIy name's Matt.

                      2                     . your last name?
                                                                                                                                        2  )) You're Sally. QYour name's Sally.
                      3                      do you spell it?

                      4                      old are you?
                                                                                                                                 d 01.45 Look at the photos. Are they their
                      5  Where are you                              ?                                                                   real names? Listen and check.

                      6                      youraddress?

                      7                      your zip code?

                      8  What's your address?

                      9  What'syourphone                                   ?

                              Sentence stress

                              In sentences we stress the important words.

                              What's your first name? It's Mark.

                c Listen again and repeat the questions. Copy the rhythm,

                d Ask your partner the questions. Write their answers.                                                                           Snoop Dogg

                        £) Saying emails
                              @ = at . = dot

                                                                                                                                 e G Communication What's his / her real

                                                                                                                                        name? A p.102 B p.108 Complete information

                4 GRAMMAR possessive adjectives                                                                                         about some actors and singers.

                a Complete the questions with I, you, my, or your.
                                                                                                                                 5 WRITING

                        Where are 1                           from?

                        2                  'm from Buenos Aires.                                                                       ©p.113 Writing Completing a form

                        What's 3                        name?                                                                           Complete an application for a visa and write

                        4                   name's Micaela.                                                                             a paragraph about you.

                b © p.124 Grammar Bank 1C
                                                                                                                                                                         Go online to review the lesson
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