Page 8 - Unit 1 Volume test+ Function test 2
P. 8


                                                       One world

                                                         G verb be   and 01 V countries, numbers 21-100

                1 VOCABULARY countries

                a     G 1.17 Listen and match the

                      music to the countries.

                            Brazil             China                                                                        1 Name the continents.
                            Mexico             Russia

                b o p.149 Vocabulary Bank Countries

                c In groups, do The World Quiz. Answer with a

                      continent, country, or nationality from Vocabulary

                      Bank Countries.

                      I th ink it's Asia, h f I think it's Europe, but I'm not sure.

                2 PRONUNCIATION /o/, /tf/, ///, /d^

                        JD The /a/ sound

                              The /a/ sound is the most common vowel sound
                                                                                                                            2 What country are the sports teams from?
                              in English. The /a/ sound has many different
                                                                                                                                a   Toronto Maple Leafs
                              spellings, e.g., pasta, Morocco, Argentina.
                                                                                                                                b    Hanshin Tigers
                                                                                                                                c   Galatasaray ______

                a ©1.20 Listen to the words and sounds. Then listen                                                             d    Limoges CSP

                      and repeat.                                                                                               e    Dallas Cowboys

                                                                                                                                 f   Mekong Raptors
                                                         American Brazilian
                                    C'.. mp uter                                                                            3 What are the countries in English?
                                                         Canada China
                                                                                                                                a Deutschland                                     d POCCMfi _

                                                                                                                                b Espana                                          e Mejico

                        ^3 Consonant sounds                                                                                     c Eire                                            f Zhongguo
                              Many consonants (e.g., j) and combinations of

                              consonants (e.g., sh) only have one pronunciation                                             4 What nationality are the flags?

                              (e.g., Japan I jazz, she / English). Some

                              consonants can be pronounced in different ways

                              (e.g., g can be /g/ England or /d$/ German).

                b ©1 .21 Listen to the words, sounds, and sentences.

                      Then listen and repeat. Practice with a partner.

                                    C^eSS           Charles isn't Czech, he's French.

                                    shower          Is she Turkish or Russian?

                        I® iazz
                                                    We're Cerman and they're Japanese.

                c     G1 .22 Listen. Say the nationality.

                      1 >) Canada (^Canadian

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