Page 7 - Unit 1 Volume test+ Function test 2
P. 7

2 GRAMMAR verb be S, subject pronouns                                                                                    d Write the words from c in the chart.

                a Complete the sentences with 'm, 's, or 're.                                                                                    M food                   technology                    places

                      1  I am Carla. ~ I'm Carla,                                                                                                                                                   airport

                      2  I am Matt, = I                 Matt

                      3  My name is Ben. = My name                              Ben.

                      4  You are my partner. = You                          my partner.                                                  e In pairs, write more words that you know

                      5  She is in my salsa class. = She                          in my salsa class.                                            in each column. How do you pronounce

                b © p.124 Grammar Bank 1A

                c ©1.5 Listen and repeat the pronouns and contractions.
                                                                                                                                         4 VOCABULARY days of the week,

                      1 >) I, I'm (l, I'm                                                                                                       numbers 0-20

                d ©1.6 Listen. Say the contraction.                                                                                      a ©1 .10 Look at the picture. Listen and

                      1 )) I am Qfm

                e In pairs, try to remember the names in your class.

                      Say He's / She's                                 .

                f Stand up and speak to other students.

                      Hi, Mia. How are you? h 6 I'm fine, thanks. Ancf you?

                      PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds, word stress

                              Vowel sounds                                                                                                b o p.148 Vocabulary Bank Days and

                              In American English, vowels (a, e, i, o, and u) and                                                               numbers Do Parts 1 and 2.

                              combinations of vowels (e.g.f ea, ai) can be pronounced in
                                                                                                                                         c ©1 .14 Listen and say the next day or
                              different ways. Sometimes they are short sounds (e.g., it,

                              well), but sometimes they are long sounds (e.g., e = he) or                                                       number.
                              diphthongs (e.g., i = hi).                                                                                        >) Monday Tuesday (^Wednesday

                                                                                                                                         d Ask three students What's your phone
                a ©1.7 Listen to the words and sounds. Then listen and repeat.


                                                                                                                                         5 LISTENING & SPEAKING

                            fish              tree               cat              e99              train              bike               a ©1 .15 Listen. Where are they? Write

                              it               he                am               very              they                hi                      1-6 in the boxes.
                            this               we             thanks              well             name                  !
                                                                                                                                                     airport                    Gate number
                              in             meet              Sally          welcome               later             bye
                                                                                                                                                 1 sandwich shop                           dollars and                   cents

                                                                                                                                                     hotel                      Room
                b © 1.8 Listen and write the words
                                                                                                                                                     museum                     Closed on

                        JD Word stress                                                                                                               taxi                                         Manchester Road

                              Multisyllable words have one stressed syllable,
                                                                                                                                                     language                   Classes on
                              good bye so rry welcome                                                                                                school                     and                      mornings

                                                                                                                                         b Listen again. Write a number or a day in
                c ©1.9 Listen and underline the stressed syllable in these
                                                                                                                                                each blank.

                                                                                                                                         c ©1 .16 Listen and respond.

                      air port com pu ter e mail ho tel in ter net mu se urn                                                                    1      )) Hello. Nice to meet you. QNice to meet you, too.
                      pasta piz|za salad sandlwich university website
                                                                                                                                                2      )) What day is it today? Qt's...

                                                                                                                                                                         Go online to review the lesson                           7
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