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character or way of thinking of a person just by looking at his external
appearance. To explore these abstract things, we must first get to know
and continue to interact with the person.(Rachmawati, 2013)
According to Koentjaraningrat (Koentjaraningrat, 2000) culture
with the basic words of culture comes from sansakerta buddhayah
language, which is the plural form of Buddha which means "mind" or
"reason". Thus, Koentjaraningrat defines culture as "mind power" in
the form of creativity, intention, and taste. Furthermore, culture itself
is the result of creativity, intention, and taste. Therefore, culture or
abbreviated culture, according to Koentjaraningrat, is the whole
system of ideas, actions, and human works in the framework of
people's lives that are used as human property by learning.
Furthermore, Koentjaraningrat distinguishes the existence of three
forms of culture, namely: a) the form of culture as a complex of ideas,
ideas, values, norms, and rules and so on, b) the form of culture as a
complex activity and patterned actions of human beings in a society, c)
the form of culture as objects produced by humans.
Culture reflects the values, attitudes, and beliefs of groups of
people that make them behave in a certain way. Roughly, cultures
differ in terms of language, religion, ethnicity, and, as mentioned,
values, attitudes, and beliefs.
In culture there is a concept of identity and ethnicity which is
the result of social construction. With this social construction certain
labels or identities are created, which symbolize the origin, culture and
characteristics of a particular group. The importance of this identity is