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in Indonesian) has its roots in the Latin "cultura", a change from "colere"

               which means the effort to nurture and advance the mind/mind/soul.

                       Associatively,  it  can  be  argued  that  the  word  "culture"  or
               "culture" has a basic understanding of the effort of reason / reason in

               order to improve the quality and quantity (civilization) of human life.

               This  effort  is  manifested  in  three  basic  systems,  including  (1)  the

               complexity  of  ideas,  concepts,  and  human  thoughts,  or  commonly

               called  cultural  systems,  (2)  the  complexity  of  interactional  and
               transactional activities or commonly called social systems, and (3) the

               complexity of objects as means / tools to meet needs or commonly

               called instrumental systems.

                       Newmark (Newmark, 1981) describes  culture  as  a  way  of  life

               of  a certain society which is expressed by certain language. Clifford
               Geertz stated that culture is a symbolic meaning system. It is semiotic

               system in which symbols function to communicate   meaning   from

               one   mind   to   another. Cultural   symbols   encode   a   connection

               between   a signifying form and a signalled meaning.  Culture might

               also  be  defined  as  ideas,  customs,  skills,  arts,  and  tools  which
               characterize a given group of people in a period.

                       Culture as described by Larson and Smalley is ―blue print‖.  It

               guides the  behaviour  of people  in a community and is developed in

               family life and helps us to know what we can do as individuals and

               what our responsibilities as a member of a group.(Larson, 1998)

                       The following will put forward some definitions of culture in

               more detail. These definitions range from the view that culture is an

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