Page 4 - The Unstoppable Power Stories of Women in Our Mundo
P. 4


            Local Sales Manager, Telemundo Tampa

            In my early 20’s, I made a decision to
            discontinue my  college education and instead
            plunged into my career  full-time. I started out
            in Sales and Sales  Management, then became
            a General Manager of an electronics firm and
            eventually owned my own business. My
            personal “power” moment as an adult was

            when I returned to college and graduated
            from The University of Tampa with a
            Bachelor of Arts in Communications.
            Finishing my degree was my “missing link” and
            I encourage young adults to keep focused and
            be patient in order to become well-rounded in
            both their life and career.  I discovered Media
            Advertising Sales midway in my  career and
            have found my niche industry, especially so, at

            home with NBCU Telemundo Station Group.
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