Page 13 - Nature World Sample
P. 13


            Unlike the larger life forms, the protists,
            bacteria and viruses are microscopic and not   3 3
            visible to our naked eyes.

               Among the values associated with the
            natural world (nature) are: life support value,
            economic value, scientific value, recreational
            value, aesthetic value, and others. “Frontiers of
            the Natural World” is among the four research
            clusters of Universiti Malaya. The cluster
            niche area is “Nature Inspired Research:
            Driving Drug Discovery”, and the thrust area is
            “Curiosity Driven Fundamental Research”.
               There are many people who appreciate
            the natural world (nature) for its serenity
            while others study it in scientific depth. The
            total beauty of nature however cannot be

                                                                                                 1  Universiti Malaya
              4                                         5 5                                         Varsity Lake
                                                                                                 2  Pristine stream with
                                                                                                    small waterfall, Rimba
                                                                                                 3  Pink-necked Green
                                                                                                    Pigeon Treron vernans,
                                                                                                    a primary consumer
                                                                                                 4  Dwarf Papyrus
                                                                                                    Cyperus haspan and
                                                                                                    Hanguana malayana
                                                                                                    (or Hanguana
                                                                                                    anthelminthica) were
                                                                                                    introduced in 2014 for
                                                                                                    absorbing nutrients
                                                                                                    in the Varsity Lake to
                                                                                                    prevent eutrophication
              6 6                                                                                5  Female cone of
                                                                                                    Gnetum gnemon
                                                                                                    (Belinjau), the
                                                                                                    starchy seeds of this
                                                                                                    gymnosperm are used
                                                                                                    for making crisps
                                                                                                    (emping) with a slightly
                                                                                                    bitter taste
                                                                                                 6  Long-tailed Macaque
                                                                                                    Macaca fascicularis,
                                                                                                    the sole primate (other
                                                                                                    than humans) on the

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