Page 9 - Nature World Sample
P. 9


               Universiti Malaya, as a national and Malaysia’s oldest university, was officially established
               on 1st January 1962. The main campus, with a land area of some 373 hectares, is situated
               in the southwest of Kuala Lumpur, Peninsular Malaysia. The early establishment, growth
               and development of Universiti Malaya from 1949 to 1985 has been succinctly documented
               by Lim Chung Tat (2013).

                   I joined the university as an undergraduate     To present an introduction to the multitude of
               student in 1961 and graduated with BSc in Botany   biota found in the campus necessarily involves
               and Zoology (1964), BSc Hons in Zoology (1965),   selective choice from an enormous field of
               and PhD in Genetics and Zoology (1968). After    interesting information. The choice of the material
               completing my undergraduate study, I joined      therefore depends on what I think may be of general
               the university as a teaching staff until my official   interest, the availability of illustrations (colour
               retirement and continue to be associated with the   pictures), and the limitation of space.
               university as Professor Emeritus in Genetics and
               Zoology. The teaching then was broad-based and      It is hoped that this book may be interesting
               placed great emphasis on field study.            reading to a variety of people from different walks
                                                                of life, both within and outside the university. It is
                   In the early years (1960s to 1980s), the natural   also hoped that it will stimulate and cultivate more
               world in the campus was relatively rich with green   people to take an interest in seeing, observing and
               areas and diversity of biota. However, with rapid and   appreciating the natural world.
               large scale development in subsequent years, some
               green areas and ecological niches together with their   The information presented in this book
               denizens have disappeared. In the absence of good   comes from many sources – from books, journals,
               database, we do not know what and how many of    colleagues and countless hours, spanning over
               the biotas have disappeared from the campus due   some six decades, of wandering in the campus
               to development and altered environment. Corollary,   green spaces. The pictures included in this book
                                                                have been taken over many years.
               we do not know what and how many life forms are
               new records for the campus.                         Last but not least, I would like to express my
                                                                gratitude to YBhg Professor Dato’ Ir. Dr. Mohd
                   This book is about the natural world of      Hamdi Abd Shukor, Vice-Chancellor Universiti
               Universiti Malaya. The aim is to give a simple   Malaya, for the Foreword and my indebtedness to
               illustrated account of the diversity of biota found   all those from whom I have learned and benefitted
               in the campus, focussing on visible life forms with   much regarding the natural world.
               interesting or unusual features. It is not meant to be
               read from cover to cover or used as a reference, but   Yong Hoi-Sen
               for a light read or to be browsed through at leisure.  October 2022

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