Page 7 - Nature World Sample
P. 7


               It is with great pleasure that we introduce The Natural World Universiti Malaya, a
               remarkable work that captures the diversity and richness of the flora and fauna present
               on the University’s Kuala Lumpur campus in Pantai Valley. This work is a testament to
               the University’s unwavering commitment to research and scholarly inquiry, and it reflects
               our deep appreciation for the natural world.

                   The UM campus has a rich history of          Ceariagrion chaoi damselfly; the stingless bee,
               scientific exploration and discovery, spanning   Parishnogaster mellyi, constructing its nests using
               over six decades. The extensive grounds,         existing nests of the paper wasp Ropalidia stigma;
               covering approximately 373 hectares, provide     first records of several plants, including those that
               a remarkable living laboratory for the study of   attract male fruit flies and serve as host plants for
               biodiversity, offering a unique opportunity for   true fruit fly larvae; and plants with aberrant and
               research and education.                          conjoined flowers.

                   The publication of The Natural World            The documentation of the biodiversity present
               Universiti Malaya is a significant achievement   on the UM campus is an essential aspect of the
               that reflects our commitment to preserving       University’s research activities, and this publication
               and disseminating the University’s scholarly     serves as a vital tool for understanding the dynamics
               achievements and the research and intellectual   of ecosystems and their conservation. It is our hope
               pursuits of its academic community. This work is   that The Natural World Universiti Malaya will inspire
               a remarkable resource, showcasing selected life   future generations of researchers to explore and
               forms from the plant, fungi, and animal kingdoms,   appreciate the remarkable natural world of the UM
               including some newly discovered species.         campus.

                   The author’s personal experiences and           We applaud the Universiti Malaya Press’s
               expertise, acquired over decades of study        decision to commission this work, as it
               and exploration, inform this work. The book      reflects the Press’s commitment to preserving
               presents a comprehensive illustrated overview    and disseminating the University’s scholarly
               of the diverse natural life present on the       achievements. The Natural World Universiti Malaya
               campus, offering a valuable tool for learning    is a remarkable achievement and a testament to
               and innovation. It highlights various unique     the University’s unwavering dedication to research,
               features of the natural world on the UM campus,   scholarship, and the pursuit of knowledge.
               including the world’s largest trypanosome of
               frogs, Trypanosoma raksasa; the phenomenon       Professor Dato’ Ir.  Dr. Mohd Hamdi Abd Shukor
               known as ‘Yellow Rain’ caused by the honey bee   Vice Chancellor
               Apis cerana; the rediscovery of the Fiery Coraltail   Universiti Malaya

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