Page 12 - Nature World Sample
P. 12

The Natural World Universiti Malaya

            Situated in an urban setting, the Universiti
        Malaya campus is surrounded by highly        1 1
        developed areas. Despite that it houses a
        reasonable variety of habitats and ecosystems.
        There are big and small water bodies, large
        and small green areas.
            The Varsity Lake is the biggest lagoon in
        the campus, measuring 250 metres long, 85
        metres wide, and 6 metres deep. There are
        two river tributaries (Sungai Pantai and Sungai
        Anak Air Batu) passing through the campus. In
        addition, there are smaller water bodies (both
        natural and man-made) and swampy areas. All
        these water bodies have potential to support a
        myriad of aquatic organisms.                 2 2

            An estimated 100 hectares, out of 360
        hectares of the total area in the campus, is
        forested. The largest green area is the Rimba
        Ilmu (Forest of Knowledge), an 80-hectare
        botanic garden housing some 1700 species
        of plants comprising timber species, tropical
        fruits, citrus and citroids, bamboos, palms,
        medicinal plants, gingers and ferns. In
        addition, plant life is present throughout the

            Many of the plants in the campus were
        introduced while others were naturally
        established in the course of time. These plants
        are the primary producers which sustain the
        primary consumers (herbivores) that in turn
        sustain the secondary and tertiary consumers.
        These biotic components support the
        scavengers, decomposers and detritivores as
        well as the parasites and pathogens.

            Contrary to expectation, there is an
        enormous diversity of animal life in the
        campus. All the major groups of animals
        are represented – mammals, birds, reptiles,
        amphibians, fish, molluscs, arthropods
        (insects, spiders, centipedes, millipedes),
        annelids (earthworm), nematodes, and others.
        Some of the animals are residents while others
        are visitors.

            The campus is also home to numerous
        fungi (now considered as a kingdom separate
        from plants), protists, bacteria and viruses.

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