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Guidance and Manufacturer's Declaration – Electromagnetic Immunity  The recommended radiation levels of RF wireless communication
                  equipment specified in this paragraph must be complied with.
 The Product is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below.
 The customer or the user of the Product should assure that it is used in such an
 environment.  Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration - electromagnetic emissions

 IEC  Compliance   Electromagnetic environment -   The Product is intended for use in professional healthcare facility or home healthcare
 Immunity test  60601-1-2   level  guidance  electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the Product
 Test level  should assure that it is used in such an environment.

 Portable and mobile RF   Emissions test  Compliance         Electromagnetic
 communications equipment should                          environment - guidance
 be used no closer to any part of                        The Product uses RF
 the Product, including cables, than                     energy only for its internal
 the recommended separation                              function. Therefore, its RF
 3 Vrms  3 Vrms  distance calculated from the   RF emissions  Group 1  emissions are very low and
 150 kHz to   150 kHz to   equation applicable to the   CISPR 11  are not likely to cause any
 Conducted   80 MHz  80 MHz  frequency of the transmitter.
 disturbances                                            interference in nearby
 induced by RF   6 Vrms in   6 Vrms in   Recommended separation   electronic equipment.
 fields  ISM bands   ISM bands   distance:  RF emissions  Class B
 IEC 61000-4-6  CISPR 11
 150 kHz to   150 kHz to   d =  1.17   P                The Product is suitable for
 80 MHz  80 MHz  from 150 kHz to 80 MHz  Harmonic emissions  Not applicable  use in professional
           IEC 61000-3-2                                 healthcare facilities or
 80% AM at   80% AM at   d =  1.17   P  Voltage fluctuations/flicker   domestic establishments.
 1 kHz  1 kHz  from 80 MHz to 800 MHz  emissions IEC 61000-3-3  Not applicable
 d =  2.3   P
 Radiated RF  10 V/m  10 V/m
 IEC 61000-4-3  from 800 MHz to 2.7 GHz
 80 MHz to
 2.7 GHz  Where P is the maximum output
 power rating of the transmitter in
 watts (W) according to the
 transmitter manufacturer and d is
 the recommended separation
 distance in meters (m).

 218/222  BMLPXEUDFUPRT / Rev.13 / 10-2018  BMLPXEUDFUPRT / Rev.13 / 10-2018  215/222

 #27766-EYAL - 277766-EYAL | 7 - B | 19-01-08 | 13:40:47 | SR:-- | Black 27766-EYAL - 277766-EYAL | 7 - B | 19-01-08 | 13:40:47 | SR:-- | Yellow 27766-EYAL - 277766-EYAL | 7 - B | 19-01-08 | 13:40:47 | SR:-- | Magenta 27766-EYAL - 277766-EYAL | 7 - B | 19-01-08 | 13:40:47 | SR:-- | Cyan   #
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