Page 3 - Dash of SPiCE (December 31, 2020)
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the globe in the last 3 quarters than I ever did in a year in BAU mode. We could redefine engagement,
find better ways to replace the physical venues of engagement, provide tools to connect, collaborate,
We all would remember 2020 as one of the most difficult years (if not the most difficult year) in our
and innovate together, albeit virtually. Our leadership townhalls are buzzing with participation and
lives and our careers thus far. We witnessed the world literally coming to a grinding halt, living in the
our engagement scores this year are far higher than in past years. Really remarkable!
scare of the pandemic, seeing people suffer and even losing our loved ones, businesses tumbling and
millions losing jobs. The volcanic eruption in the Philippines, the locusts attack in India, the
• We Can Achieve Work-Life Balance: For someone like me who travels
life-threatening cyclones and typhoons in the Philippines, India, Vietnam, and Nicaragua only rubbed
regularly and stays away from home and family for weeks every month,
a bit more salt on the wounds. No wonder, we are all eagerly waiting for the year to end and to get
the WFH came as a refreshing change. I am sure it would be true for most
into 2021 with a strong hope that life, in general, would get better. The newly developed vaccines do
of you too. Being with family, spending quality time together, having
add to the hope, but at the same time, the new strains of COVID-19 found in Europe do steal some of
healthier meals, and pursuing hobbies that we procrastinated about for
it. As we wade through this uncertainty and remain cautiously optimistic, I have been musing about
long reasonably compensated for the melancholy caused by the situation.
the year going by. While there is an abundance of things that we would like to forget perpetually, I
I could go back to some of my passions in this period of no travels, no
find several reasons to rejoice 2020. Here’s how I see it; let me know if you agree with that.
downtime caused by traffic snarls in our cities and no social gatherings;
• We Can Do Wonders As A Team: The need for • We Can Take The Company Virtual, Truly Virtual: and, one day, as I was listening to Déjà vu (one of the 500 greatest music
social distancing and the lock-downs in cities For several weeks, we operated at ~90% WFH, albums of all times) by Crosby, Stills, Nash And Young, the lyrics of their oft-
we operated from in March’20 necessitated us before we partially opened some of our offices. celebrated song ‘Carry On’ reminded me of sustaining all this good
to move to Work From Home rather quickly. Every team, function, and program was working work into next year too. We would emerge stronger, smarter,
I was personally worried about the enormity of virtually. It’s true that we had our own shares and sharper in 2021; and would find many more reasons
the undertaking and embarked on this project of agony, frustrations, and down-times as we to rejoice 2021 too.
across the globe, unsure of the results. But to enabled that. But, come to think of it, it gave us
my surprise, in a span of a week, we got to the confidence that, with a bit more fine-tuning The sky is clearing, and the night has cried enough
>80% work from home. The teams across the of our technology infrastructure and work pro- The sun he comes the world so often up
sites, accounts, and functions came together, cesses, we can really make our enterprise com- Rejoice, rejoice, we have no choice but to carry on
undaunted by the challenge, and worked pletely virtual, without impact on efficiencies, The fortunes of fables are able to sing a song,
tirelessly to make this possible. The amount innovation, and engagement. Isn’t that awesome? Now witness the quickness with which we get along
of personal and collective leadership we To sing the blues, you've got to live the dues
witnessed in that period of mobilizing WFH • We Can Rede ne Engagement: While we worked And carry on
was unparalleled. We are blessed with a from the office, we would meet our teams, have Carry on love is coming,
great team at SPi Global and when we come small talks, meet over a water cooler, and chat-up Love is coming to us all
together, we can deliver wonders. Our clients, in the cafeteria. The WFH took it all away. But, as I Prabhakar Bisen
our investors, and even our competition took look back, I have probably met and communicated Wishing you and your loved ones the Chief Operating Officer
note of it. Truly remarkable. with far a greater number of our colleagues across
best of everything in 2021.
2 • Rejoicing 2020 3 • Rejoicing 2020