Page 7 - Dash of SPiCE (December 31, 2020)
P. 7

Pivoting Through Technology                Bold Steps in 2021

                                            2020, a year like no other, is thankfully ending.

 2020 has been an unprecedented year for all of us. A year of   The Pandemic caught us all unawares. Because of the rapid spread of
 challenges and newer kinds of problems we have never faced   Covid-19 across the globe, our priority for the year was to ensure the

 before. But with every new problem comes a new opportunity.   safety and health of our employees. To contain the spread of the virus in
                                            the SPi Global community, we had to take steps such as shutting down
 Collectively, we have pushed work-from-home to over 95% with   our facilities and deploying work-from-home for all our employees.

 IT and Technology playing a pivotal role. It opened doors for us  With the commitment and resilience shown by our employees and the
  to look at how we could operate our business globally through   sheer hard work they put in, we were able to find our feet and stabilize
 stronger BCP models, attract talent from different regions without   our operations in record time.

 being constrained by geography,  and made our applications   Not only were we able to quickly start deliveries to our clients, but we
 Cloud-enabled.  All of this helped us to build a stronger SPi,    were also able to measure up to their expectations barring a couple of
 which could not have been possible without your   them. Teams effectively used all communication and collaboration tools

 relentless effort and dedication, so thank you all.   to achieve this. Process improvement initiatives took a back seat in the
   Dhaneesh Kumar
 As we get into 2021, our key focus for the   SVP OPERATIONS, INDIA  initial period of WFH, but the momentum was regained in the second half
                                            of the year, and we were able to make significant progress in these areas.
 technology group will be to deploy end-to-end
                                            While one cannot plan for every potential risk, we need to leverage the
 platform-based solutions, both for Publishing
                                            experience gained from these challenging times and be better prepared
 and Data Solutions.  This will help us win   for the years to come.

 new clients and revenue and internally
 transact in a controlled environment   We need to have a Covid-exit path that focuses on transformation to help performance improvements.

 through a unified process. This year we   On another note, cyber-attacks are
 have had some early success with some   on the rise.  As our company deals
 of our clients in the AI and Analytics   largely with data and information,

 space, and we will look to expand this   this makes us a target for cyber-attacks.
 strategically in the coming year.   Let us realize that cybersecurity is
     everyone’s responsibility. Every indivi-
 Stay tuned, a lot of exciting work coming
     dual in the company should ensure
 up next year as we take our technology
     that they exercise caution in all areas
 journey to the next level!   of their work, most especially when

     dealing with external emails and links.
 Wishing you and your family

 a very Happy New Year!   In 2021, let us take bold steps to reinvent

 Come relaxed and refreshed  JISHNU GUPTA  our operations, improve quality, turn-
     around time, and productivity.
  for a smashing 2021!  Thank you for all the good work and your
 Chief Technology OfficeR  contributions this year.  Wish you and your

     family a Healthy and Happy New Year!

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