Page 5 - Dash of SPiCE (December 31, 2020)
P. 5

Lessons of 2020  The Success of Teamwork

       2020 will always be a year that all of us will never

 As we are getting closer to the end of the year,   forget in our lifetime.
 we look back to what this year meant for us
       This year has surely changed all of us;  on how
 and see that we have overcome many
       we look in our day to day lives, with our regular
 obstacles and lots of lessons learned.
       routines, be it at home or work. There had been

 By talking to leaders at the Nicaragua site   countless ‘first times’ that we were not doing

 and listening to their reflections about this   then, yet have to do now. The saying ‘this is the   Nguyen, Thi Thanh Hai
 year, I realized that situations that had   new normal’ has dramatically resonated in our minds   SITE DIRECTOR, VIETNAM

 taken us out of our comfort zone made us   due to this global pandemic that we continue to experience.

 more mature, grateful, and conscious human   Giselle Perez  Despite this, we have strived and survived the pandemic through
 beings, and I feel very proud of the attitude
 Site HEad, Nicaragua  the great efforts by the Vietnamese government to combat and prevent the spread of this
 we have on this year-end - both as individuals,
       virus in our country. SPi Hanoi personnel  complied with all safety measures that our govern-
 and as a team.
       ment strictly implemented to ensure no one will be infected with COVID-19.

 Collaboration and empathy have been key for us to keep working and maintaining a   We can say that the success of team-

 good environment. In general, we discovered that working from home has many   work truly magnifies how Vietnam

 advantages, and it has been a good experience. Finding different ways to do things is   was able to sustain our regular office
 always interesting!                                                     work without experiencing major

                                                                         lockdowns that other companies or
 We end this year feeling grateful for our health, family, and work. To employees
                                                                         countries have endured. This was a
 who had difficult times or losses in their family, feel stronger, and be proud of
                                                                         government-private collaboration at
 your resilience.
                                                                         its best. True enough, while we remain
                                                                         vigilant and conscious of this virus,
 We also want to thank our clients who have partnered with us on this journey, being
       we still manage to do our regular and daily routine in the office.  We have had our regular
 very accessible to and supportive of our teams.
       activities with safety precautions in place (see pictures).  Because, like the commonly heard

 SPi Global is an organization that prioritizes our safety and gives us the tools and   saying, ‘the show must go on.’
 resources to keep serving our clients even during unexpected times. THANK YOU ALL!
       We are grateful to and thankful for everyone, the entire management team, and the staff for

 Let’s start a new year with hope, energy, creativity, and let’s keep learning and   their continued support and dedication to our work despite this global challenge we all are
 preparing for new challenges in 2021.   facing. We continue to believe this new normal will extract and cultivate the best in us, the
       readiness to face challenging days ahead, and a stronger will to overcome and be successful.

 4 •  Lessons of 2020  5  •  The Success of Teamwork
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