Page 153 - laten-08-06-2020
P. 153

Beloved Disciple

                        A closer walk with the Lord

                                  John 20: 1-10


            hese Lenten days we are journeying through the way of cross
        Twith Jesus along with many people involved in the event of
        crucifixion. When we seriously examine People and characters
        involved in the process of cross we cannot overlook the place of
        a young man named Thomas and his search for peace of Christ
        journeying with the cross of his Master.

        Beloved Disciple
               The Beloved Disciple in the John’s gospel is clearly
        described as the ‘disciple whom Jesus loved’. This character is
        simultaneously a figure of great importance and a very elusive
        character in the Gospel of John. He is introduced not only as
        one of Jesus’ closest followers, but also as the author of this
        gospel (John 21:24). In spite of his crucial role, he is mentioned
        only in certain passages in John (13:21–30; 19:25–27; 20:2–
        10; 21:7, 20–25), and his appearance even in these passages is
        abrupt: nothing in the Johannine story has paved the way for
        his presence, nor is his disappearance from the scene told to the
        audience of the gospel. Moreover, the Beloved Disciple does not
        appear at all in the synoptic gospels, not even in the synoptic
        parallels to the passages in John where he is mentioned. The
        elusiveness of the Beloved Disciple in John and his absence
        in other sources has led most scholars to the assumption that
        this figure has been added secondarily to the earlier traditions
        available to the author of the Gospel of John.

               It is also interesting that the Beloved Disciple remains
        anonymous in John. The only designation used for him in John
        is ‘the disciple whom Jesus loved.’ The Beloved Disciple’s special

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