Page 158 - laten-08-06-2020
P. 158
to stand with Jesus during his suffering, she was the role model
to her sons by taking a stand to be with the suffering of Jesus.
This made her son James to be a martyr who was thrown from
pinnacle then beaten to death around 60 A.D.
Mary, mother of James and Joseph, one among the
Galilean women sitting opposite to the tomb was the strongest
witness of the Crucifixion, burial and the resurrection of
Jesus. Faithful to the end, they kept vigil and shared in Jesus’
humiliation. Others were keeping watch too. A guard of soldiers
was sent to ensure that Jesus remained in the tomb. But they were
impotent in the face of God’s power, to which the faithful women
were a witness. In their fear, after seeing the divine messenger,
the guards became like Zombies, incoherent and trembling. In
contrast, the women received the angel’s message with fear and
great joy. They met Jesus himself and worshiped at His feet. The
command of the apostleship was repeated, now Jesus directly
commissioned the women to ‘Go and tell my brothers’. Women
were validated as apostles to men, out of Jesus‘ own mouth.
In conclusion, Mary, the Mother of James and Joseph
was a true disciple who took part in Jesus’ humiliation. She set a
model to her sons, to commit themselves to accept the suffering
for the sake of the gospel. She was a strong witness and became
an apostolic woman.
In this fast-changing modern world, Mary the Apostolic
mother of James and Joseph becomes a good model for us
to emulate. In the patriarchal society, she stood firm to her
convictions. Her life is a true calling to all of us to be a true
disciple and a strong witness to Christ and be a role model to
the children of this world. While we follow her example, let us
also appreciate women who serve God and people in different
capacities despite several challenges and ordeals.
Gracious God, we praise you and thank you for choosing
Lenten Meditations Re - Imaging People