Page 8 - Managing Employee Performance - EPMDS Training Manual
P. 8


                             T H E   P E R F O R M A N C E

                          A P P R A I S A L   P R O C E S S
                                Overview and Summary

         NR                      STEP                                         DESCRIPTION

       01               Updating the EPMDS                 employment details and Key Performance Areas/Indicators as per the
                                                            In this step, the Line Manager review and update his direct reports'
                         Employee Database
                                                            employee's approved job description.  This step is critical in order to
                                                           ensure that the employee is appraised on the correct KPAs and KPIs.

       02           Accessing and Downloading                Performance Appraisal Excel Workbook from the EPMDS Portal
                                                              The Line Manager will be required to download and save the
                     the Performance Appraisal
                           Excel Workbook                    on SharePoint.  This process is outlined in Part 2 of this manual.

       03              Preparing the Employee              and updating employee and line manager details.  The date for the
                                                            In this step, the Line Manager prepares the workbook by reviewing
                       Performance Appraisal
                              Workbook                         final review meeting is also set during this step. This step is
                                                                  discussed in greater detail in Part 3 of this manual.

      04                Line Manager Review                the Line Manager can now conduct an assessment and rating of the
                                                            After preparing the Employee Performance Appraisal Workbook,
                                                            employee's Key Performance Areas (KPAs).  This process is outlined
                                                                      and discussed in Part 4 of this manual.

                                                            Once the line manager review has been completed, the employee
       05                   Employee Self-                  this step, the employee will also be required to review, update and
                                                            can now commence with his/her self-assessment of KPAs.  During
                                                            confirm essential employee and line manager details.  This step is
                                                                        discussed in Part 5 of this manual.

                                                            During the final review, actual performance is to be reviewed and
       06               Final Review Meeting                clarity of differences in ratings resolved to the satisfaction of both
                                                              line manager and employee.   The final review meeting also
                                                           includes an assessment of performance factors and completion of
                                                                    the employee's personal development plan.

                                                              After the final review meeting has been conducted, the line
       07             Sign-Off and Submission              Appraisal Workbook.  After the workbook has been signed by both
                                                            manager and employee must sign the completed Performance
                          of Documentation
                                                           parties, the line manager must upload and submit all performance
                                                                      review documentation via SharePoint.

                                                                                    Part 1:  Welcome & Introduction    |   03
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