Page 12 - Recount Text E-Book for 10th Grade
P. 12

5.  Using Linking Verb
                                                                     A  linking  verb  is  a  verb  that
                        REMEMBER!                               describes a subject by linking it with a

                         Linking  verbs  are  used  to          predicate adjective or predicate noun.
                         provide               descriptive      Unlike  most  verbs,  they  do  not

                         information  and  identify  the        describe any direct action that is taken
                         subject. So, it does not refer to      or controlled by the subject. Examples
                         the  actions  performed  by  the       are: be, become, seem, appear, grow,
                         subject.                               was, and were.

                            Recount  text  consists  of  four  different  types,  including  personal

                       recount, factual recount, imaginative recount, and historical recount.

                                                               Personal  Recount:  a  type  of  text  that
                                                               aims  to  tell  about  the  author's  personal


                                                               Factual  Recount:  a  story  to  present

                                                               reports  related  to  events  that  occurred
                                                               based  on  facts.  This  is  not  fixated  on

                                                               personal  events,  but  can  also  tell  other
                            Types of                           people's experiences
                              Text                                 Imaginative Recount: a text that is

                                                                usually used by someone as a story of an

                                                                 imaginative event or something that did
                                                                not really happen. It could be a dream or
                                                                               an imagination

                                                                   Historical Recount: a recount text

                                                                whose contents tell historical events that
                                                                        really happened in the past.

                                                         Recount Text | English E-Book for 10th Grade
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