Page 11 - English E-Modul Recount Text for 10th Grade
P. 11


                                                 RECOUNT TEXT

                  A. Learning Objectives

                        After studying this module, students are expected to be able


               1.  Distinguish  social  functions,  text  structures,  and  linguistic

                    elements of recount texts.
               2.  Catch the meaning contextually  regarding social  functions, text

                    structures, and linguistic elements of spoken and written recount

               3.  Compose oral and written recount texts, short and simple, taking

                    into  account  social  functions,  text  structures,  and  linguistic

                    elements, correctly and in context.

                  B. Material Description

                                                                 you ever shared your experiences
                                                           with other people? Are you sure they

                                                                   understand your story?

                                                           There is a text about a story that has
                                                          passed. There are text structures that

                                                               must be followed, to make your
                                                           exp  erience story easy to understand.
                                                                   That is a recount text.

                                                   E-Module Recount Text for 10  Grade | 5
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