Page 2 - English E-Book Descriptive Text for 10th Grade
P. 2
I would like to thank to Ida Sang Hyang WidhiWasa for helping me to
finish this e-book on descriptive text well. I have compiled this e-book optimally
and also received assistance from various parties so that it can expedite the
making of this e-book. For that, we express our deepest gratitude to all those who
have contributed to the creation of the e-book.
Apart from that, I realize that the preparation and arrangement of this e-
book are not completely perfect and there are still deficiencies in the wording,
sentences, and grammar. Therefore, I really accept with open all kinds of
suggestions and criticism from readers so that I can improve the e-book that I
have compiled. Finally, I hope that in the future I hope that the e-book that I have
compiled can provide benefits to students in terms of helping their learning
process and can provide inspiration for students to learn.
Singaraja, December 15 2022
Komang Sri Vidyartika Putri
i | E n g l i s h E - B o o k f o r 1 0 t h G r a d e