Page 5 - English E-Book Descriptive Text for 10th Grade
P. 5
B. Core
A. Learning Achievement
Learning outcomes that must be achieved by each student consist of capturing
meaning contextually related to social functions, text structures, and also linguistic
elements from descriptive texts.
B. Learning Sub-Achievement
a) Mastering the meaning of the descriptive text in learning in high school
b) Mastering and understanding the purpose of descriptive text in learning in
senior high schools.
c) Mastering and understanding the structure of descriptive text in learning in
senior high schools.
d) Mastering and understanding the linguistic elements of descriptive texts in
high school learning.
e) Knowing examples of descriptive texts in high school learning.
C. Subject Matter
The main points of this teaching material are:
A. The theory of descriptive text, which includes definition, purpose, text structure,
and language features of descriptive text.
B. Next are examples of descriptive text where these examples can include
describing places, describing persons or people, describing animals, describing
plants, etc.
D. Material Description (Discussion)
Have you ever described the people
around you?
Of course we need to describe the things around us, for
example, the people closest to us or we can also describe the
objects or animals that are around us.
Describing things around us can be done by using
descriptive text.
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