Page 7 - English E-Book Descriptive Text for 10th Grade
P. 7
To describe the image, we need to
analyze it first, such as how the body
looks, how many eyes, how many
legs, what the animal is an animal
that eats, and the special
characteristics of the animal and so
on. Of course, in analyzing this, we
will channel it into a paragraph or
text where we can call the
paragraph or text descriptive text.
Descriptive text is a type of text that we use a lot in our daily lives,
both in describing or describing people, things, places, animals, and other
things. Descriptive text can also be interpreted as a type of English text
which is usually used to describe or describe what it looks like, smells,
sounds, textures, or other descriptions that describe what is described.
Descriptive text describes and provides a description of what we see,
hear, or feel about something we want to describe.
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