Page 4 - English E-Book Descriptive Text for 10th Grade
P. 4


                   1.  Brief Description

                              This  teaching  material  will  discuss  the  subject  matter  of  English  that  is
                       Descriptive Text. In everyday life, of course, we need to describe things that are around
                       us, such as people, fruits, plants, animals, or goods or objects. This teaching material
                       will discuss the meaning or definition of descriptive text, the purpose of descriptive
                       text, the structure of descriptive text, the characteristics of descriptive text, the elements
                       of descriptive text, and examples of descriptive text. Descriptive text (descriptive text)
                       is of course very instrumental and useful in our daily lives where its use can help us
                       recognize things that are around us and of course it will really help us to be able to
                       understand these things then train us to be able to describe it. The real examples of
                       descriptive text that we often encounter are describing objects, which can be things that
                       are around us or illustrations. Another example is describing the people around us, for
                       example, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, and etc.

                   2.  Relevance
                              The material in this teaching material contains material about the descriptive
                       text which contains the meaning, purpose, structure of the text, elements of language,
                       as well as examples of descriptive text. Later after studying this module students are
                       expected to be able to understand the descriptive text.

                   3.  Study Guide

                              The purpose of learning from this teaching material is for students to understand
                       about the descriptive text which can also be in the form of meaning, purpose, text
                       structure, text characteristics, and examples of descriptive text. The following is a study
                       guide for studying this E-Book:
                       1. Understand the components of teaching materials starting from the initial component
                       to the final component.
                       2. Understand and study the main and supporting material by reading, understanding,
                       reviewing, and interpreting the material.
                       3.  Read  various  kinds  of  learning  resources  that  are  relevant  to  the  material  being
                       4. Discuss the results of reading in discussion forums through the facilities that have
                       been  provided,  which  can  be  in  the  form  of  online  facilities  together  with
                       students/students and instructors/teachers.
                       5. Carrying out assignments given by teachers or educators independently and also
                       carrying out tests given through online facilities that have been provided.

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