Page 158 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 158

considering it as a potential tool for maintaining    paralysis. After a mouse returns from long-term
               human health for long-duration spaceflight.     spaceflight to Earth, it is also possible to observe its
               Recently, locomotive syndrome, which involves the   recovery from symptoms that are very much like aging.
               weakening of bones, muscles and other organs related   These conditions are difficult to reproduce on Earth
               to movement, has become an area of increasing   and can be used to investigate effects on bone mass,
               interest. Through JAXA Mouse Habitat missions    muscle strength, immune suppression and others
               on Kibo, we will be able to identify factors for early   that are similar to age-related symptoms.
               diagnosis of such age-related diseases and perform   Mouse studies on the ISS provide an accelerated
               pre-clinical studies to investigate the efficacy and    platform for research on aging. In upcoming years,
               safety of prophylactic and therapeutic drug candidates.   JAXA Mouse Habitat missions will aim at developing
               Since aging phenomena occur 10 to 30 times faster    and verifying bioinfomatics to discover scientific
               in space than those observed on Earth, whole-body   technologies for early disease detection, and will
               effects in such an environment can be observed without  lead to the discovery of innovative preventive and
               unnatural conditions such as altered genetics or partial   therapeutic drugs.

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