Page 155 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 155
Microgravity Applications Programme (MAP). The scanner (Xtreme CT, Scanco Medical) is
The scanner is providing high-quality, 3-D images commercially available and is used in bone research
of living bone structures as part of this ground laboratories all over the world. The majority of these
experiment. This is backed up by analysis of bone HR-pQCT scanners are used for research; however,
biochemical markers in blood samples. their use as a diagnostic tool for doctors has increased
One important element that has derived from this since the introduction of the scanner in 2005. A faster
research into bone loss in space is the successful version with higher resolution called Xtreme CT II is
commercialization of the 3DpQCT scanner, of which also now available.
ESA supported the development, for a non-invasive/
in vivo technique for observation of bone structure.
Add Salt? Astronauts’ Bones Say
The EDOS project has been assessing the efficiency Please Don’t.
of such a technique and will contribute to the
development of a reference technique to perform Osteoporosis is a harsh disease that reduces the
an early detection of osteoporosis on Earth in a unique quality of life for millions. In the European Union in
way. These improved diagnostics in the early stages 2010 alone, the treatment cost of osteoporosis,
of such a medical condition may prove extremely including pharmacological intervention, was estimated
important in the development of more effective at €37 billion, with additional costs to society estimated
countermeasures to the effects of osteoporosis. to bring this total up to €98 billion. This is set to rise to
In 2006, 8.9 million fractures were estimated more than €120 billion in 2025. Osteoporosis typically
worldwide, according to the International Osteoporosis affects the elderly; therefore, the rise in life expectancy
Foundation. Furthermore, interesting results have been in developed countries means the problems inflicted by
published from the EDOS experiment in the Journal osteoporosis are increasing. Fortunately, research done
of Bone and Mineral Research, thus providing new in space may change the game. Astronauts on the
insights into astronaut post-flight bone recovery that ISS experience accelerated osteoporosis because
will feed into the development of new inflight and of weightlessness; however, it is carefully controlled,
postflight countermeasure protocols. The project and they can regain bone mass in time once they are
is continuing within the EDOS-2 project. back on Earth.
Studying what happens during long spaceflights offers
a good insight into the process of osteoporosis—losing
calcium and changing bone structure—and helps to
develop methods to combat the disease.
It has been known since the 1990s that the human
body holds on to sodium, without the corresponding
water retention, during long stays in space. However,
textbooks indicated this was not possible. “Sodium
retention in space” became an important subject
to study. Salt intake was investigated in a series of
Studying what happens during long
spaceflights offers a good insight
into the process of osteoporosis—
losing calcium and changing bone
structure—and helps to develop
Xtreme CT distal radius. methods to combat the disease.
Image credit: SCANCO Medical