Page 154 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 154
Exploration Agency (JAXA) and NASA decided to with calcium-rich foods (e.g., milk, small fish, etc.)
collaborate on a space biomedical experiment to and vitamin D (e.g., fish, mushrooms, etc.). Limited
prevent bone loss during spaceflight. Dr. Adrain sunbathing is also important for activation of vitamin
Leblanc of United Space Research Association D. Physical exercise to increase bone load and muscle
and Dr. Toshio Matsumoto of Tokushima University training should also be integrated into each person’s
are the two principal investigators of this study. daily life. Those at high risk for fractures should take
JAXA and NASA crew members are participating in effective medicines to reduce the risk of fractures.
this study by taking this agent once a week while in Accordingly, the secrets of the promotion of astronauts’
space. The study is still ongoing; however, early results health obtained from space medicine are expected to
suggest that astronauts can significantly reduce the be utilized to promote the health of elderly people and
risk of bone loss and renal stones with the combination the education of children.
of resistive exercise and an antiresorptive such as a
Improved Scanning Technologies
Bone loss is also observed in bedridden older people.
Elderly people lose 1% to 2% per year of their bone and Insights into Osteoporosis
mass because of aging and a decline in the amount Studying what happens during long stays in
of female hormone. Osteoporosis is declared when a space offers a good insight into conditions such
person has a bone mass 30% lower than the average as osteoporosis. European Space Agency (ESA)-
for young adults, which is a condition affecting supported research on the ISS has helped in the
13 million Japanese, and one in two women aged development of high-resolution scanners that
70 years and older. Every year, 160 thousand patients analyze bone and joint diseases in only 3 minutes.
undergo operations for femoral neck fractures in Bone loss and its recovery is a major concern not
Japan, followed by intense rehabilitation for 3 months. only for astronauts, but also for people on Earth during
Such operations cost 1.5 million yen per person, and aging and immobilization. A better understanding of
the total annual expense for medical treatments and the calcium loss and changing skeletal structure is
care of these bone fractures amounts to 66.57 billion crucial for the thousands of patients suffering from
yen in total national cost. bone diseases or fractures.
The three key elements for promoting the health of ESA’s Early Detection of Osteoporosis in Space (EDOS)
elderly people to prevent fractures are nutrition, exercise experiment has been testing skeletal adaptation to
and medicine. Meals should be nutritionally balanced long-term space exposure by using three-dimensional
(3-D) peripheral quantitative computed tomography
(3DpQCT) as a technique for detection of bone
structure. It has been providing a detailed evaluation
of the bone loss and of kinetics of recovery after flight.
ESA supported the development of the enhanced
3-D scanner by the Institute for Biomedical Engineering
in Zürich and Scanco Medical as part of ESA’s
European Space Agency (ESA)-
supported research on the ISS
has helped in the development
of high-resolution scanners that
analyze bone and joint diseases
Astronauts enjoy meals aboard the ISS. in only 3 minutes.
Image credit: JAXA/NASA