Page 159 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 159

Immune Defenses

               Virtually the entire population is infected with one of eight herpes viruses, four of which reactivate and
               appear in body fluids in response to the stress of spaceflight. A patent-pending device designed for use
               in either a doctor’s office or on a spacecraft allow for the rapid detection of one of these viruses (VZV),
               which can lead to earlier treatment and prevent the onset of painful shingles. Microgravity studies on
               the International Space Station (ISS) help researchers pinpoint genetic triggers for immune responses
               in T-cells, thus leading to future medical treatments on Earth for immunosuppression. Determining
               the changes that occur to the immune system in space provides the means to develop targeted
               countermeasures to adverse effects in space, as well as furnishes additional information for targeted
               treatments on Earth for the development of pharmaceuticals that can suppress immune response to
               help manage autoimmune diseases or organ transplants.

               Tackling Immune System Dysfunction—              look at subtle changes in the immune system that may
               from Multiple Angles                             occur before symptoms show up, whether in space or
                                                                on the ground, may help scientists pinpoint the onset
               Getting sick is no fun for anyone, but it especially taxes   of illness so they can suggest monitoring strategies or
               crew members aboard the ISS. Protecting crew health   treatments to boost the immune system—and prevent
               is important as NASA prepares for long-duration,   full-blown infections and diseases.
               deep-space missions. The human immune system
               is a complex web of biological structures and    T-cells, a type of white blood cell, play a role in
               processes; decreased activity in one piece of it    activating the body’s immune system. The T-Cell
               can change overall disease risk. Studies have shown   Activation in Aging investigation sent T-cells to the
               microgravity causes modifications in the human   space station, then analyzed changes in their gene
               immune system. Figuring out why and how this     response back on the ground to help determine what
               occurs could help not only astronauts, but people   causes depression of the human immune system
               affected by immune dysfunction here on Earth.    in microgravity. Results support the development of
                                                                better protective measures to keep crews healthy
               Many investigations aboard the space station     during long space missions, especially those beyond
               have studied the effect of microgravity on immune   Earth orbit, well out of the reach of major medical
               system health. For example, the Functional Immune   facilities. Better understanding of immune system
               investigation analyzes blood and saliva samples to   activation and suppression also supports improved
               identify changes taking place in crew members’   treatment for autoimmune diseases such as arthritis
               immune systems during flight, and compares the    and diabetes, and the natural decline of the immune
               data with self-reported health information. This unique   system as people age.

                                                                Another investigation, Integrated Immune, tested
                                                                a strategy to measure white blood cell count and
                                                                stress hormones in crew members during spaceflight
                Studies have shown microgravity                 onboard the space station. Researchers found
                                                                increases in red blood cell count, mean corpuscular
                causes modifications in the human               volume, hemoglobin, and platelet concentration
                immune system. Figuring out why                 on long-duration flights. This suggests that reports
                                                                of reduction in these blood elements represent
                and how this occurs could help                  early adaptation to microgravity, and that spending
                not only astronauts, but people                 more time in space may somewhat compensate
                affected by immune dysfunction                  for those reductions. The monitoring techniques of
                                                                this investigation have potential benefit in infection
                here on Earth.                                  epidemics and remote locations on Earth, as well.
                                                                Multi-Omics evaluates how the space environment and
                                                                prebiotics affect immune function. This investigation

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