Page 21 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 21
Valuation Results
Findings of the Navigant valuation review can be found throughout this publication in sidebars located
next to the relevant stories. In all, Navigant identified concrete or emerging economic value indicators
for 25 of the 40 activities submitted for review. The remaining 15 showed innovative value and potential
applications. In these cases either the research was too recent to have generated more than broad
possibilities, or detailed information was not publicly available.
The Summaries of Valuation Findings table found at the end of this section lists key findings as grouped
by primarily innovative, prospective (potential), or retrospective (concrete) findings. Taken as a whole,
these findings exemplify the diverse benefits generated to date, as well as some of the potential benefits
yet to come. Some of these benefit examples are discussed in greater detail below and serve to illustrate
common characteristics of the paths taken as new knowledge bubbles up toward concrete benefits.
From New Knowledge to Potential [1,400°F]). In 2017, follow-on FLEX investigations
Application: Generating Prospective uncovered a second “cool flame” phenomena with
Benefits on the International temperatures even lower—roughly 200°C (400°F).
Space Station The FLEX investigations are a good example of new
As discussed above, fundamental research and knowledge that has innovative value. As researchers
development efforts on the International Space Station unravel the mechanisms of cool flames, this new
(ISS) are many and varied in their scope. These efforts knowledge has the potential to lead to more-
have generated new knowledge and technological efficient, lower-emission liquid combustion engines.
capabilities from which potential benefits emerge in Transportation-related emissions account for nearly
the form of new theories, data sets and conceptual 23% of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions
applications. A series of investigations known as worldwide. In the United States transportation sector,
Flame Extinguishment (FLEX) provide one such engines account for nearly 50% of all nitrogen oxide
example of new knowledge being generated. Protein emissions and over 66% of particulate matter (soot)
crystal growth and nanofluidics are areas of research emissions. Thus, this new knowledge could lead to
for which the potential applications hold the promise significant humankind benefits and economic value.
of emerging benefits in the near future. However, as with all emerging new knowledge,
concrete benefits are far from assured. Additional
research is necessary and many practical challenges
Combustion Studies must be overcome before one or more concrete
FLEX was conducted to research the properties of applications of this new knowledge emerge years,
fire suppressants in space, and to better understand or even decades, from now.
combustion and soot production in microgravity.
These investigations uncovered a new form of Protein Crystal Growth
combustion occurring at a lower temperature than
previously observed (370°C [700°F] vs 760°C Another area of research benefiting from the ISS is
protein crystal growth (PCG). The unique microgravity
environment of the ISS allows for the growth of larger,
higher quality protein crystals than those that can be
grown on the ground. When returned to Earth, these
These investigations uncovered a crystals are imaged to reveal previously unknown
new form of combustion occurring structural details. Even though the conditions often
need to be optimized across multiple flights to achieve
at a lower temperature than larger, higher quality crystals, PCG on the space
previously observed… station holds the promise of reducing overall research
costs for pharmaceutical companies, thereby allowing
them to more accurately predict how candidate drugs