Page 22 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
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will perform and more precisely model the structure    In 2017, TAS-205 completed a 24-week Phase II trial
               of key proteins involved in disease.            with 33 human DMD patients.
               As mentioned in their partner perspective below,   Merck Research Laboratories is conducting PCG
               commercial experiments in support of pharmaceutical   research onboard the ISS to develop a subcutaneous
               research are a major focus of the Japan Aerospace   (SC) formulation of the immunotherapy drug, Keytruda,
               Exploration Agency (JAXA) ISS activities. The ISS U.S.   which is currently administered via an intravenous
               National Laboratory also hosts a significant number of   (IV) injection. SC reformulations of similar drugs, such
               PCG experiments. Many pharmaceutical companies,   as Herceptin, provided a 44% savings in time and a
               including Eli Lilly, Merck, Taiho Pharmaceutical, and   77% savings in medical staff effort over IV delivery.
               PeptiDream, have conducted PCG investigations    In addition, over 90% of patients preferred the SC
               on the space station. These activities provide many   formulation due to reduced pain, discomfort and side
               examples of potential humankind benefits, which    effects. Also, if the SC reformulation is more stable at
               would have high economic value as well.         room temperature, it will reduce costs associated with
                                                               storage and transportation.
               One such investigation, JAXA PCG, crystallized
               a protein of interest to researchers focused on   Forbes analysts state that Merck’s first quarter growth
               Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy (DMD). DMD is a   in 2018 can be attributed primarily to growth in the
               severe condition that causes progressive muscular   oncology segment, notably through Keytruda’s year-
               degeneration, often leaving the affected patients unable   over-year growth to $1.46 billion. Through advances
               to walk by early adolescence. In 2002, a research   in delivery mechanisms such as SC reformulations,
               investigation revealed a specific protein (H-PGDS)   Merck may be able to further capitalize on Keytruda’s
               that was expressed in necrotic muscle fibers in DMD   potential sales.
               patients. This discovery fueled the development of   The PCG line of research with its potential new
               specific inhibitors of H-PGDS as potential therapeutic   therapeutic drugs, as well as the nanochannel-based
               agents, and motivated researchers to grow       delivery mechanisms that can reduce or eliminate visits
               macroscopic protein-inhibitor complexes to map    to the doctor’s office and increase the percentage of
               the structures at the highest resolutions. The analysis   patients who take the proper dosage on time, illustrates
               of the structure of H-PGDS and inhibitor complex   how investigations aboard the ISS can lead, over time,
               grown as part of the JAXA PCG investigation on the   to emerging applications on Earth with significant
               ISS led to an improved complex structure (TAS-205),   potential humankind benefits and economic value.
               which is considerably more effective inhibitor than those
               under investigation at that time. Subsequent tests   However, rapid and repeat access to test multiple
               showed that TAS-205 did reduce or slow the expansion   crystallization conditions is an important factor that
               of muscle necrosis in mice and dogs. In 2015, the   underlies the success or failure of specific efforts
               multinational Taiho Pharmaceutical Corporation verified    on specific proteins. Not all PCG efforts will result
               that the TAS-205 inhibitor is safe for use in humans.    in improved crystals or structures in spaceflight.
                                                               However, each protein that is successful, as will be
                                                               illustrated in the next section on maturing and concrete
                                                               benefits, has the potential for significant economic
                                                               impact if it can be developed into a new approach
                ...PCG on the space station holds              for treating disease.
                the promise of reducing overall                  Earth Observation Data
                research costs for pharmaceutical              Data sets generated by the many Earth observing
                companies, thereby allowing them               instruments hosted on ISS external platforms are
                to more accurately predict how                 another source of new data being exploited for
                                                               economic benefit. For example, using ISS-generated
                candidate drugs will perform and               Earth observation data, Dr. Ruhul Amin of the U.S.
                more precisely model the structure             Naval Research Laboratory refined remote detection
                                                               algorithms to identify harmful algal blooms. A spin-
                of key proteins involved in disease.           off company, BioOptoSense LLC, has been formed
                                                               to market this detection capability. The University of
                                                               Mississippi, City College of New York, and the Naval

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