Page 225 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 225
After pre-processing, the images obtained are posted During ground-based preparations for MAI-75
on a special website where they can be viewed, experiment sessions, the MAI teachers and students,
reviewed and processed by both educational program in conjunction with experts from RSC Energia and
participants and common users. Besides the MAI Data FGUP TsNIIMash, led the development and testing
Reception and Processing Center, the following were of in-orbit procedures and cosmonaut training; the
involved in the imagery reception process: Reception development of software and hardware packages for
centers at higher education institutions in Moscow use on Earth at global test sites and in space; and the
(M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, N. E. development and verification of procedures and tests
Bauman Moscow State Technology University); between the ground-based remote user terminals.
Krasnoyarsk (Siberian State Aerospace University); As a result of the first phase of the MAI-75 experiment,
and Kursk (Kursk State Technology University); students were able to immerse themselves in real-life
Reception centers at the Aerospace Technology science and engineering applications, while learning
Research Laboratory (Kaluga) of the Russian Defense management and leadership skills unique to the space
Sports-Technology Organization; Gagarin Research station vehicle.
and Test Cosmonaut Training Center (Star City);
and S.P. Korolev RSC Energia (Korolev); Ham radio Space experiments such as these enable the
reception stations in Russia, Western Europe, Central secondary- and higher-education systems to enhance
America and Southeast Asia. Some of the video the effectiveness of teaching natural sciences and
images received are posted on the following site: to promote the interest of the public in the space programs implementation. The capabilities of modern
information and communication technologies,
Centers of data reception from the ISS RS during MAI-75 experiment sessions.
Image credit: Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)