Page 227 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
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These data provide instant mutual position of the ISS, To date, the Shadow-beacon website has received
and each receiver allows definition of experimental more than 160 applications for participation from
borders of the space station’s footprint; i.e., private and club amateur radio stations. This includes
“illuminated” spot on the Earth’s surface. With many educational institutions interested in using Shadow-
ground receivers, Shadow-beacon simulates a “multi- beacon procedures in the learning process. To improve
beam” method of radio sounding of under-satellite the methodology for educational purposes and to
space. Its basic properties are evaluated by comparing strengthen its social significance, the developers
obtained experimental and calculated contours of the hold classes in which students are directly involved
ISS footprint. in the process of data registration and analysis, and
in preparing and sending resulting reports to amateur
Shadow-beacon is a developing methodology for the
future experiment Shadow, which will use radio waves radio operators. These operators are registered
scattering in an artificial plasma. participants of the experiment who will be invited to
help the neighboring schools conduct space lessons.
Possible application of this radio-sounding method
is observation of interference in radio communication Expanding the ISS educational laboratory to orbital
caused by plasma plumes of perspective electric heights through use of programs such as Shadow-
thrusters, which are planned to be used for Martian beacon provides opportunities to stimulate student
expeditions. Exclusive simplicity of the radio-sounding interest and participation in the educational process.
method allows the opportunity to carry out Shadow-
beacon by nonprofessional operators (i.e., radio
amateurs) and includes participation by educational
programs. Therefore, the goals and objectives
of the Shadow-beacon are both scientific and
educational in nature.
Observations gained in Shadow-beacon sessions using
the in-orbit Sputnik hardware between 2011and 2013
involved around 70 ground operators in the testing
and development of special software for construction
of experimental ISS footprint contours on the Earth’s
surface. In a November 2011 series of Shadow-
beacon sessions, laboratory curriculum for students
was tested, and students demonstrated the Shadow-
beacon procedure as an extracurricular activity.
Students from Moscow’s Center of Social Aid
For more information about the formulation and to family and Children “Pechatniki” take part in
conditions of the experiment, the sessions schedule, registration of sounding signals from orbit by field
registration instructions, information on the progress station ra3awc in the November 2011 series of
of its implementation, or for training materials, visit Shadow-beacon.
the website at Image credit: FGUP TsNIIMash