Page 232 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 232
Space Station-Inspired mWater App Space Station Technology Demonstration Could
Identifies Healthy Water Sources Boost a New Era of Satellite Servicing
Authors: Jessica Nimon and Melissa Gaskill, NASA Authors: Adreinne Alessandro and Melissa Gaskill, NASA
PIs: John and Annie Feighery, mWater PIs: Frank J. Cepollina and Benjami B. Reed
Commercial Applications from Microbial Robonaut’s Potential Shines in Multiple Space,
Filtration in Space Medical and Industrial Applications
Author: Jon Weems, ESA Authors: Laura Niles and Melissa Gaskill, NASA
PI: Janneke Krooneman PI: Myron A. Diftler
Space-tested Fluid Flow Advances Space in 3-D
Infectious Disease Diagnoses Author: Jon Weems, ESA
Authors: Mike Giannone and Melissa Gaskill, NASA PI: Massimo Sabbatini
PI: Mark Weislogel
New Ways to Analyze and Use Images from Space
Improved Oil Exploitation Strategies Author: Melissa Gaskill, NASA
Author: Jon Weems, ESA PI: HySpeed Computing
PIs: Z. Zaghir, Valentina Shevtsova, and Artificial Intelligence for Solving Crime
Stefan Van Vaerenbergh
Author: Jon Weems, ESA
Improved Industrial Casting Models PIs: Judith-Irina Buchheim and Alexander Choukèr
and Casting Processes
Author: Jon Weems, ESA Small Computers Tackle Big Tasks in Space
PI: Gerhard Zimmermann Author: Melissa Gaskill, NASA
PI: Xiphos
Clothes “Made In Space”
Author: Jon Weems, ESA Beyond the Cloud: Data Processing
PI: Hanns-Christian Gunga from Low-Earth Orbit
Author: Jenny Howard, NASA
Sleepwear with a Purpose PI: Trent Martin
Author: Melissa Gaskill, NASA
PI: Marco Di Rienzo Human Health
Three-dimensional Bioprinting in Space Space Station Robotic Arm Has a Long Reach
Author: Private Institution Laboratory for Biotechnological Author: Melissa Gaskill, NASA
Research “3D Bioprinting Solutions”, Moscow, Russia
PI: V. A. Mironov, Private Institution Laboratory for PI: Synaptive
Biotechnological Research “3D Bioprinting Solutions”, Robotic Arms Lend a Healing Touch
Moscow, Russia Author: CSA
International Space Experiments: PI: Dr. Garnette Sutherland
PARSEC and MULTIPHAS Robots from Space Lead to One-stop
Authors: M. D. Krivilyov and E. V. Kharanzhevskiy Breast Cancer Diagnosis Treatment
PIs: M. D. Krivilyov and E. V. Kharanzhevskiy, Authors: Jessica Eagan and Melissa Gaskill, NASA
Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russia PI: Dr. Mehran Anvari
Levitating and Melting Materials using Improved Eye Surgery with Space Hardware
Coulomb Force Without a Container Author: ESA
Author: JAXA PI: A. Clarke
The Art—and Science—of Detecting
Automating a Better Rendezvous in Space Chromosome Damage
Author: Melissa Gaskill, NASA Author: Jenny Howard
Company: Neptec Design Group/MacDonald Dettwiler PI: Edwin Goodwin
and Associates
Sensor Technologies for High-pressure
Cool Flame Research Aboard the Space Station Jobs and Operations
may Lead to a Cleaner Environment on Earth Author: ESA
Authors: Mike Giannone and Melissa Gaskill, NASA PI: Hans-Christian Gunga
PIs: Daniel L. Dietrich and Forman A. Williams