Page 234 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
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Space Cardiology for the Benefit of Health Care  Earth Observation and Disaster Relief
               Authors: R. M. Baevsky, E. S. Luchitskaya, and I. I.   Earth Remote Sensing from the International
               Funtova                                         Space Station
               PI: R. M. Baevsky (Institute of Biomedical Problems    Author: ISS Program Earth Observations Working Group
               of the Russian Academy of Sciences [IBMP RAS],   PI: ISS Program Earth Observations Working Group
               Moscow, Russia)
                                                               Tracking Global Marine Traffic and Saving Lives
               Vascular Studies in Space: Good for
               Everyone’s Heart                                Author: ESA
               Author: Melissa Gaskill, NASA                   PI: R. B. Olsen
               PI: Richard Hughson                             Visual and Instrumental Scientific Observation
                                                               of the Ocean from Space
               Dressing Astronauts for Return to Earth
               Author: Jenny Howard, NASA                      Authors: A. N. Yevguschenko (Federal State Organization
                                                               “Yu. A. Gagarin Research&Test Cosmonaut Training
               PIs: NASA and ROSCOSMOS                         Center”, Star City, Russia) and B.V. Konovalov (P.P.
               Innovative Space-based Device Promotes          Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian
               Restful Sleep on Earth                          Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)
               Authors: R. M. Baevsky, E. S. Luchitskaya,      Improving Climate Models on Earth
               and I. I. Funtova                               Author: ESA
               PIs: R. M. Baevsky (Institute of Biomedical Problems    PIs: Gerhard Schmidtke, David Bolsée, and
               of the Russian Academy of Sciences [IBMP RAS],   Claus Froehlich
               Moscow, Russia)
                                                               Microwave Radiometry—Passive Remote Sensing
               New Technology Simulates Microgravity           of the Earth in Decimeter Wavelength Range
               and Improves Balance on Earth                   Authors: D.M. Ermakov and M.T.Smirnov
               Authors: I. B. Kozlovskaya, and I. V. Sayenko   PI: M.T.Smirnov (Fryazino branch of V.A. Kotelnikov
               PI: I.V. Sayenko (Institute of Biomedical Problems    Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of
               of the Russian Academy of Sciences [IBMP RAS],   Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)
               Moscow, Russia)
                                                               Clear High-definition Images Aid Disaster Response
               Countering Neurological Maladaptation           Authors: JAXA
               Author: ESA                                     PI: JAXA
               PIs: Guy Cheron, L. Balazs, and Floris L. Wuyts
               New Ways to Assess Neurovestibular System       Global Education
               Health in Space Also Benefits Those on Earth
               Authors: L. N. Kornilova, I. A. Naumov, D.O. Glukhikh,    JAXA Seeds in Space
               G. A. Ekimovskiy, and Yu. I. Smirnov            Author: JAXA
               PI: L. N. Kornilova (Institute of Biomedical Problems    PI: JAXA
               of the Russian Academy of Sciences [IBMP RAS],   Students Photograph Earth from Space
               Moscow, Russia)                                 Authors: Arun Joshi and Melissa Gaskill, NASA
               Space Research Leads to Non-pharmacological     PI: Karen Flammer
               Treatment and Prevention of Vertigo, Dizziness    Tomatosphere™: Sowing the Seeds of Discovery
               and Equilibrium disturbances                    through Student Science
               Authors: L. N. Kornilova, I. A. Naumov,         Authors: CSA; Jenny Howard, NASA
               G. A. Ekimovskiy, and L. A. Chigaleychik
               PI: L. N. Kornilova (Institute of Biomedical Problems   PI: Michael Dixon
               of the Russian Academy of Sciences [IBMP RAS]),   Asian Try Zero-G 2018: Igniting the Passion of
               Moscow, Russia                                  the Next Generation in the Asia-Pacific Region
               Space Technologies in Rehabilitation Practice   Author: JAXA
               Authors: I. V. Sayenko, I. B. Kozlovskaya, and L. A.   PIs: JAXA and Kibo-ABC (Asian Beneficial Collaboration
               Chernikova                                      through Kibo Utilization)
               PI: I. V. Sayenko (Institute of Biomedical Problems    HUNCH about Student Success in Engineering?
               of the Russian Academy of Sciences [IBMP RAS],   Authors: Laura Niles and Melissa Gaskill, NASA
               Moscow, Russia)                                 PI: NASA

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