Page 231 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 231
Authors and Principal Investigators
by Section
Principal Investigator (PI) listed for stories focused on a specific space station investigation.
Economic Development of Space European Space Agency ICE Cubes
Enabling Commercial Launch Providers Authors: Jon Weems, ESA; Bryan Dansberry
Authors: Bryan Dansberry and and Shoyeb “Sunny” Panjwani, NASA
Shoyeb “Sunny” Panjwani, NASA Company: Space Applications Services
Company: SpaceX The Commercial Multi-use Variable-g Platform
Finding the Keys in Space to Treat Authors: Jenny Howard, Bryan Dansberry,
Diseases on Earth and Shoyeb “Sunny” Panjwani, NASA
Author: JAXA Company: Techshot
Company: PeptiDream Mixing Up Better Products in Microgravity
Managing the International Space Authors: Jenny Howard, Bryan Dansberry,
Station National Lab and Shoyeb “Sunny” Panjwani, NASA
Authors: Bryan Dansberry and Company: Proctor & Gamble
Shoyeb “Sunny” Panjwani, NASA; Emily Tomlin, Combating Muscular Atrophy with
ISS U.S. National Laboratory Implantable Devices
Piloting a New Procurement Paradigm Authors: Jenny Howard, Bryan Dansberry,
Authors: Kathy Watkins-Richardson, Melissa Gaskill, and Shoyeb “Sunny” Panjwani, NASA
Bryan Dansberry, and Shoyeb “Sunny” Panjwani, PI: Alessandro Grattoni
NASA Small to Big: Enabling a Growing
Company: UTC Aerospace Systems SmallSat Marketplace
A New Approach to Radiation Authors: Bryan Dansberry and
Hardening Computers Shoyeb “Sunny” Panjwani, NASA; JAXA
Authors: Bryan Dansberry and Jumpstarting the CubeSat Revolution
Shoyeb “Sunny” Panjwani, NASA; Author: Anne Wainscott-Sargent, ISS U.S.
ISS U.S. National Laboratory National Laboratory
PIs: Eng Lim Goh and Hewlett Packer Enterprises Company: NanoRacks LLC
Commercial Partners Expanding International Tropical Cyclone in Sight
Space Station Research Capabilities Author: Jessica Scarfuto, ISS U.S. National Laboratory
Authors: Bryan Dansberry and PI: Paul Joss
Shoyeb “Sunny” Panjwani, NASA
Companies: NanoRacks LLC, BioServe Keeping an Eye on Algae from Space
Author: Melissa Gaskill, NASA
Research in a Box
Authors: Sara Carney, ISS U.S. National Laboratory PI: Ruhul Amin
Company: Space Tango
Innovative Technology
Made In Space—Building a Better Optical Fiber
Authors: Jenny Howard, Bryan Dansberry, and More Efficient, Lightweight Water Filtration
Shoyeb “Sunny” Panjwani, NASA Technologies in Space and on Earth
Company: Made In Space Author: Jon Weems, ESA
PI: Maja B. Tommerup
Small Business Makes Big Strides in
Commercialization of Low-Earth Orbit Advanced NASA Technology Supports
Authors: Jenny Howard, Bryan Dansberry, Water Purification Efforts Worldwide
and Shoyeb “Sunny” Panjwani, NASA Authors: Arun Johi and Melissa Gaskill, NASA
Company: Alpha Space PIs: Donald L. Carter and Robyn Gatens