Page 226 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 226
particularly the Internet, and of the mobile (cellular)
communications operators enable education program
participants to work directly with the general-purpose Expanding the ISS educational
video equipment deployed on the ISS. Using a Web
interface and a special site, the program participants laboratory to orbital heights
are able to control a digital camera installed on the through use of programs such
ISS RS, based on both the Web-posted camera
operation schedules and the ISS sub-satellite point as Shadow-beacon provides
movement data. opportunities to stimulate student
interest and participation in the
Educational Benefits of the Space educational process.
Experiment Shadow-beacon on the
International Space Station
The use of spaceflight for stimulation of public interest
to advance science and education is a common
practice among the global space agencies. The space
experiment Shadow-beacon has been performed in can register moments of signal appearance, follow the
signal until it vanishes using the time marks, and send
series on the RS ISS since 2011 for the scientific and
educational purposes. this information, along with data on its geographical
position, to the Information Storing Center on Earth.
As an onboard radio beacon transmits VHF sounding Every operating sequence would take up to 20 minutes
signals of a 145-megahertz range, ground participants while the ISS is passing over the given continental
measuring field.
A typical result of construction of ISS experimental
footprint contour on the Earth surface in the
azimuthal projection.
European measuring field, 27.11.11. Current
moment 05.02.23 UTC. Position of under-satellite
point: Ukraine, latitude 50.45, longitude 26.54. Onboard amateur radio equipment Sputnik.
Image credit: FGUP TsNIIMash Image credit: FGUP TsNIIMash