Page 230 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 230

Earth Observation and Disaster Response         Global Education
               Clear High-definition Images Aid                Asian Students Work with Astronauts
               Disaster Response                               in Space Missions
                 Transluminous Events Offer Valuable Insight     Students Study Seeds Flown in Space
                 p. 191                                          p. 208
                 Yair Y., Rubanenko L., Mezuman K., Elhalel G.,   Esyanti R. R., Dwivany F. M., Almeida M.,
                 Pariente M., Glickman-Pariente M., Ziv B.,      Swandjaja L. “Physical, chemical and biological
                 Takahashi Y., Inoue T. “New color images of transient   characteristics of space flown tomato (Lycopersicum
                 luminous events from dedicated observations on the   esculentum) seeds.” Journal of Physics: Conference
                 International Space Station.” Journal of Atmospheric   Series. 2016; 771(1): 012046. DOI: 10.1088/1742-
                 and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 2013 September; 102:   6596/771/1/012046.
                 140-147. DOI: 10.1016/j.jastp.2013.05.004.

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